Sun.King Pacific Semiconductor Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd
SwissSEM Technology AG
SwissSEM is located in Lenzburg, Switzerland. lt is composed of world-class lGBTtechnology experts with outstanding performance and decades of successful experience in the field of power semiconductors. it is committed to promoting the development of energy towards a more sustainable and greener direction, and promotingthetransformation of traditional fossil energy into green power energy.
SwissSEM focus on the R&D and manufacturing oflGBT, Sic chips and modules, withproducts covering 750,1200V and 1700V, serves for electric vehicles, photovoltaicpower generation, wind power generation, energy storage, and various industriaapplications.
SwissSEM has an lGBT module manufacturing base in China(Sun.King Pacific Semi.conductor Ltd), covering a total area of72,000 square meters, and plan to build fully automated intelligent lGBT modules production lines with world-class stan-dards.
SwissSEM has established distribution networks in many countries around the world.
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