Environmental changes & technical strategies
●Legislation & market changes and their implications
●Diversifed xEV PT strategies for "dual carbon" goals
●Future hybrid and electric powertrains
●Function and control fusion of powertrain with chassisand other systems
●E/E architecture, powertrain domain and smart &connected control
Hybrid electric drives
●High-effciency, highly integrated & low-noise drives
●HV and high-speed hybrid drives
●Dedicated hybrid engine, motor and battery
●Vehicle platform of various hybrid drives with hardwareand software modular design
●Effcient hybrid thermal management system
●Intelligent control technology of hybrid drive (domaincontroller, software architecture, high-precisionreal-time control model, vehicle-road cloud system)
BEV drives
●eDrives for future (high-voltage, highly integrated,high-speed, multi-speed, flat-wire and oil-cooled, etc,)
●Thermal integration of eDrive with battery & vehicle
●Control fusion of eDrive with chassis & other systems
●Modular design ofeDrive for a vehicle platform
●Distributed drives and their prospects
Smart and connected powertrains
●Smart e-drive and intelligent control of its integration with the chassis
●E/E architecture and domain controllers
●Energy & RDE management based on traffic info
●Innovative integration of vehicle, cloud, and network for early warning, energy consumption analysis, etc.
●Intelligent lifecycle management of powertrains (e.g. functional iterations, intelligent monitoring, etc.)
Sub-systems and components
●Clutch, shift, damper, gear, parking, etc.
●Electronic controller, sensor and actuator
●4WD system and decoupling device
●Lubrication, cooling, material and processing
●Low and zero carbon technologies
●Lightweight technologies
Development & testing technologies
●Electrified powertrain (ePT) topology development
●ePT system integration and optimization
●ePT NVH control and operation strategy
●AutoSAR & 1S026262 functional safety
●Driving cycle (WLTC/CLTC) and load spectrum
●Operation strategy development &apm; systemoptimization based big data & Al
●Virtual development using Al and digital twintechnologies
●Latest development & the future ofPMSM and other motors
●Design & manufacturing ofno & less rare earth motors
●Key tech ofHV motors: insulation system & materials, etc.
●Key tech of high-speed motor: seal, bearing and oil, etc.
●Winding design and manufacturing of motors
●Advanced motor cooling technologies
●NVH optimization
●Advanced silicon steel & permanent magnet technologies
●Design & manufacturing ofless rare earth motor
●Virtue development and testing of motor
●Life cycle design method for motor recyclability
Vehicle Power Semiconductor Forum
●Global market dynamics and trend
●Domestic market and industrial development trends
●Innovative applications of SiC power device and module
●Applications of SiC/GaN in power supply system
●Reliability test and failure analysis of SiC power module
●Advanced packaging technology and material for power semicon device and module
●SiC substrate/epitaxial /chip technology innovation and high yield manufacturing
●GaN Tech challenges & solutions for eDrive inverter
●Advanced packaging and testing equipment
Commercial Vehicle Powertrain Forum
●Dynamics & impacts of fuel consumption limit & “dual credits”
●“Dual carbon” tech roadmap for important scenarios like mid & long haul HDTs
●Innovations of eAxles of various configurations
●Challenges and development of high-voltage and high-speed eAxles
●Distributed motor drive and its key axle technologies
●Application scenarios suitable for hybrid drive and their trends
●Dedicated hybrid engine and transmission
●Hybrid system optimization and control tech for fuel and cost saving
●FCEV powertrain integration and application (fuel cell engine, battery, axle, power electronics, EEA, energy management, etc.)
●Combustion engines of zero carbon emission
●Transmission: AMT, AT, axle, TC, clutch, shifting, bearing, seal, oil, etc.
●E-motor and controller, SiC power module
●EEA and powertrain domain controller
●Intelligent skateboard chassis technology
●Smart and connected control of powertrain
●Virtual development and testing methods and tools
●Optimization of powertrain & component by using big data & AI